Poem – Peck Peck

Poem: Cry & Smile
Poem – Cry & Smile
July 7, 2021
Poem – Marrow
July 8, 2021
Poem: Cry & Smile
Poem – Cry & Smile
July 7, 2021
Poem – Marrow
July 8, 2021

When I was young,
I felt like a sparrow being pecked by crows.
So I said, “What the heck?!”

Turning from my defenseless ways,
left without a clue
of what next to do.
Pain of affliction on all sides
without unrelenting care.
Peck. Peck…Peck. Peck.
“What the heck?!”

No way out,
so I went numb.
Seeing things objectively
makes me concise.
Now, later on in life,
although it doesn’t feel very nice,
vision without subjectivity
excepting through glimpses of a shattered soul
which fights to feel feelings,
for enough of a picture
to go beyond observation concentrations
from when before the mirror was smashed
when tears did flow.

Now in stillness within my mind,
I race my thoughts in life unkind.
Where do they come from
and where do they go?

Torn away from emotions,
there’s no life complete.
Drained away energy,
apart from the original plan.
Peck. Peck…Peck. Peck.
“What the heck?!”
Where does one go for repair
if there is really no loving God anywhere?!

R.A. Feller

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