This book has a very sobering answer to the age-old question, "How do I find eternal life, which is supposed to last forever?" Better than a fountain of youth is the "Tree of Life."
Award-winning internationally published poet R.A. Feller has the insight to see into the spirit realm. At last, the light of understanding brings truth to comprehend the love of God.
"Breaking Addiction" - seminar included.
Bonus play in the book: "I Don't Want to Die."
Other books written by RA Feller:
“The Playground”
“Love Notes for my Butterfly”
“Poems and Scraps for Healing and Growth”
RA Feller is an internationally acclaimed award-winning poet who has taken on the challenge to truly find out what it means to be alive inside. Find out what he has found in his over 40 years of journeying with pen in hand to find the meaning of life.
Read a sample of Calington Castle 8.
See the book on Amazon.