Poem – Swiftly

Poem - Thrive
Poem – Thrive
July 12, 2021
Poem - The Cloud
Poem – The Cloud
July 13, 2021
Poem - Thrive
Poem – Thrive
July 12, 2021
Poem - The Cloud
Poem – The Cloud
July 13, 2021

Days without rest.
Days without peace.
Am I obsessed?Poem - Swiftly
Am I possessed?
I see the conflict arise so slow,
and then it comes upon me so swiftly.
There’s no time for vision
as my mind is washed to and fro.
Who am I? Where am I? What am I to do?
Now, where am I to go?
I spin in circles without aim.
Where’s my peace?
Where is my Prince of Peace?

Behold, He is here
as now I am still to enjoy.
Love’s sweet embrace.
It is You, Lord.
Your face I seek; I seek Your face
It is You, Lord.
I’ve found Your grace.

R.A. Feller

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