Poem – The Snack

Poem - Known
Poem – Known
July 3, 2021
Poem - Eggless
Poem – Eggless
July 7, 2021
Poem - Known
Poem – Known
July 3, 2021
Poem - Eggless
Poem – Eggless
July 7, 2021

Paralyzed with hypnotized eyes,
I could not move or see
beyond the reality of this fear.

I could not sense as my life
slowly, painlessly, started to leave.
Squeeze-by-squeeze and tighter still
I did not know to run or where I’d go.

So, stay I did and rest on the coils of death
still unaware of the snare.
Then he caught my eye and broke with light
my paralyzed sight the frightened stare,
filling me with the strength of his life
which broke the coils of death
of years, so many unaware.

His heel thus crush the serpent’s head
and sets all captive free.
For it’s only the ones set free that talk…
The rest? Poor souls, get swallowed whole.

R.A. Feller

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