Poem – A Healing Expression

Bubble Boy
Poem – Bubble Boy
July 8, 2021
Poem - The Price
Poem – The Price
July 9, 2021
Bubble Boy
Poem – Bubble Boy
July 8, 2021
Poem - The Price
Poem – The Price
July 9, 2021

I will not allow you
as my abuser
to exercise any control
over me!

If you minimize
what you did to me,
you deny my reality.
I’m not a non-person!
There’s no open communication
for us to build a relationship
when you don’t acknowledge
my feelings.

“Get on with my life,” you say!?
How about
I break your leg
and say
“Have a nice day?”

A wound cut deep,
an emotional hurt,
needs time to heal.
When my gash doth close,
then I can feel.

A set with a cast
yields for a mend.
If you can’t see this process,
then you’ll disrespect me without end
as a person worthy to be heard.
How then can trust be established
when you ignore my words?

You’ve expressed
remorse to me
for the damage
that you’ve done.
In my life you give me words
and then you up and run.

But where are the actions
of sincerity
which brings one
from the shallows
to the deep?
I no longer feel sorrow for you
within my broken life.
Wounded in all other relationships;
from deep within this truth I weep.
I expressed mine anger before my Lord,
then watched Him kill within His light,
the betrayal from this lying beast.

Now I know where I doth stand.
I’ve come out of my angry hole
wherein only a fragment
called rage I lived;
a spectrum less than whole.
Now through the Christ,
I’ve measures of honest love
to give without tolerance untold.
With the mercy and compassion
of my Savior’s loving grace
through eyes of full forgiveness,
I watch life now unfold.

R.A. Feller

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