New Amsterdam Podcast Interview
February 6, 2023Jamison from Leesley Films: Website Designer & Editor Desor
January 26, 2024“Gone Sane: An Open Door to Inner Healing.”
Conventional psychology will no longer be the same as in the times in which we live, the question of “what exactly is sanity?” comes to mind. Is there a standard for “normal?”
In the wisdom of man, we are in this unknown world and belong to its instability. In God’s counsel, we walk in the love of knowing eternal life without belonging to this world. There’s hate and abuse within the confusion of darkness, but in God’s light the security of stability.
The crowning achievement of award-winning author, R.A. Feller’s, career of 45 years is now available in an autobiographical format at the click of a button for answers to come into focus.