R A Feller, after working in film for ten years and finding his way through many perils in life, became inspired to write the Calington Castle series. Shaped to see how “art influences culture,” this award-winning poet's mindset was shaped to write the Calington 10-book series.
It's his desire to give back what he's been taking in because he was moved by his pen as a ready-writer.
Click here to go to RA Feller's personal website.
rayson Berry has written, produced, and directed “Passion projects" with his phenomenal crew for 15+ years.
Great storytelling has taken a back seat, leaving out real values.
Fortunately, our team doesn’t sacrifice compelling stories, scriptwriting, or “performance value” in the name of our positive message.
Go to Grayson Berry's website.
J amison. Faster than a speeding semicolon, able to plug holes in documents, with punctuation where it belongs, Jamison arrives on the scene without hesitation and fixes each situation.
He's professional and courteous, and if the moon’s craters were in need of editing, I'm sure he could fix all of the holes.
Go on an amazing adventure through fictional lands with a positive message
Towards the end of RA Feller's 40-year journey in the making and writing of Calington Castle, an interesting team of professionals has come together in agreement that this series is a highly noteworthy project to undertake in the world at this time.
Just as JRR Token and CS Lewis came together in their writing gifts, RA Feller shares his gift similarly.
Take the fictional journey of Calington Castle and discover the light of its healing hope in an increasingly dark world.